Unlock Your Body's Wisdom with Somatics

Bobby standing on a dock

Today, we’re diving into the world of Somatics.

The term "somatics" originates from the Greek word “soma,” meaning the body in its entirety—not just as flesh and bones, but as a vessel of aliveness. In this approach, the SELF and the BODY are one and the same. Change your body (intellectually, emotionally, and physically), and you transform yourself.

Before this sounds too abstract, let me share my personal journey with how I got into Somatics and how I use it as part of my practice now.

When I was first developing as a Coach, I engaged in a personal development program with a focus on somatic practices.

Why did I need this? Simply put, I was using my body just to transport my head around! My hectic lifestyle had me neglecting my breathing, posture, emotions, and overall self. I was living for others, sidelining myself. I craved love and joy but often felt anger and resentment. Sound familiar?

My somatic practices included restorative yoga, journaling, music, and even colouring. While this might seem self-indulgent, it taught me to slow down, embrace self-care, and rediscover my passions. This newfound balance allowed me to create more space for others, enhancing my connections at work and home. By including and loving myself, I found a greater sense of belonging.

Our bodies hold immense wisdom, often sensing things before our minds catch up. Yet, if our current shape—formed by lifelong habits and patterns—no longer serves us, we remain trapped in outdated behaviours. My old shape believed life was hard work, no rest, and others first. Though it got me places, it led to exhaustion and irritability. My family could tell you more!

Working with a Somatic Coach allows us to rewire our stories through bodily actions and practices. With practice, these new actions become part of us, leading to a new shape and a transformed self.

Consider these questions:

  • Were you ever told to be seen and not heard? How do you now speak up as an adult?

  • Were you told to stop crying? How do you express emotions today as an adult?

  • What were your school days like? Do you see any patterns at work today?

Your answers live in your muscles and tissues. Notice your body right now:

  • Are your shoulders straight, hunched or slumped?

  • Do you walk confidently or take small steps?

  • Do you speak clearly or mumble?

And how does your body react under pressure? Your response might be:

  • “Not for me” (Withdrawing)

  • “I am curious” (Moving towards)

  • “WTF!” (Bracing)

Working with a Somatic Coach teaches you to observe your thoughts, stories, moods, emotions, body sensations (SELF), and actions holistically. By fully utilising your BODY/SELF as a resource, you discover more choices, possibilities, and new actions.

BODY SHAPE just took on a whole new meaning! Curious to learn more? Drop me a line.

Bobby Davis is a qualified executive and team coach with extensive experience in organisational development, business change (the people angle), human resources and personal leadership. 

Her coaching experience is against a backdrop of 30+ years working in managerial and human resources/OD roles in the British Army, Not for Profits, Professional Services and most recently with a private equity owned Hotel Group.

She has led the People “strand” within large business transformation programmes, creating people strategies, internal coaching schemes and embedding strong performance cultures, as well as supporting at all levels of an organisation to implement effective change. 

She is absolutely passionate in her pursuit to support, challenge and deliver sustainable change for individuals, teams and organisations, one person at a time if necessary! 

You can catch her for a chat about coaching, using your body better as a leader and/or supporting you in HR/OD here Bobby Davis FCIPD PCC | LinkedIn


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