Reflect & Ripple

Bobby’s Blog

Bobby Davis Bobby Davis

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Is That the Right Buzzword?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Is That the Right Buzzword?

Bobby talks about Emotional Quotient and her desire for Quotient rather than Intelligence, to allow an exploration for where EQ truly resides - in the body rather than just in the mind, demonstrating this using the Strozzi Institute Model of The Rhythm of Excitement

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Bobby Davis Bobby Davis

Being Critical about Criticism: A Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance

Being Critical about Criticism: A Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance

Bobby talks about her tussles dealing with unsolicited feedback or uninvited criticism and the need to learn how to discern what is valuable and what you have every right to move away from without finding yourself believing that everyone else has to offer

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Bobby Davis Bobby Davis

The Power of Pivoting: A Personal Journey

The Power of Pivoting: A Personal Journey

Bobby talks about navigating her own career path, the discomfort of change and how she got better at controlling her career pivots along the way. All of which has led her to coaching others and supporting them in their own transitions and pivots.

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Bobby Davis Bobby Davis

Embracing Life

Embracing Life: Tribute to a Dear Friend

A guide to support the living of a full life. Bobby Davis’ friend was taken far too early by cancer, so in this tribute, Bobby talks about the small moments that can make you feel really alive…love, connecting with others, gratitude.

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Rachel Hughes Rachel Hughes

Why have a mantra?

Whether you call it a mantra, slogan, or motto, is it beneficial to have one?

Well, considering it is "a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you can say to yourself for motivation or encouragement," why wouldn't you?

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Rachel Hughes Rachel Hughes

Why I love and have loved being a Mentor

Does it sound too pompous to use the word legacy? I hope not because what I want is to be proud of my 30+ years in the world of work, the experiences I have had and the skills, knowledge I have gained along the way. I want to share the highs and lows of my experience and what I have learned, to help the next generation of leaders.

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